Hello I'm Sungharsh

My Story

Hi I am Sungharsh and I am a software developer. I enjoy building applications. My career started as a Software Engineer since 2015. I have a passion for coding and building Apps for Web, IOS and Android.

I am acquaint with the technologies like  JavaScript, NodeJS, ReactJS, Reactnative, Angular.  I also have skills in various technologies, some of them includes  ES5, ES6, HTML5, CSS3, ReactJS, ViewJS, GatsbyJS, Material UI, Bootstrap-4 and many others. I am very easily adaptable to new technologies.

I regularly hurdle with Mernstack and Jamstack to boost my skills set. I am exploring and experimenting in this horizon. I have built this site using GatsbyJS to present some of my skill set.

"I belive in accepting new challanges which in turn gives more wisdom and prosparity in life."


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