Posted on: Oct-12-2020
Bootstrap is the first framework of its kind which has adapted responsive mobile first approach and no matter what people has to say I strongly believe everyone must know and learn this framework because just knowing CSS in depth is not enough, implement it in the right way is essential to make any project successful. As a full stack developer if we add experience using Bootstrap in some our projects will helps us to understand and implement the concepts in the right way.
Every other framework emerged later, they all had implemented similar use cases with little syntactical sugar, any framework you take all uses the similar keywords and class names and the idea of 12 column grid system, so it becomes easier and also when you decide you have ample time and resources to implement base CSS in your project with the exprience you gained from Bootstrap will help you implement the code efficiently and in the right way.
Moreover, if your project is larger, need more focus on business logic and time constrains, React Bootstrap is the best framework to adapt to. React-Bootstrap adapts LESS and SASS, we can build rapid protypes. Bootstrap has an exceptionally large collection of components, and thanks to React-Bootstrap we can do named imports and only get what we need from the library with named imports in React like below, this way the final bundle size will be optimised.
Import Container from “react-bootstrap/Container” Import Col from “react-bootstrap/Col”
I strongly advice to use React-Bootstrap and SASS, in your project to build impressive application. Check the documentation